

Welcome to Department of Medical Education, AJK Medical College, Muzaffarabad. This page has specially been created to facilitate the students and their teachers to have online contact during the COVID-19 outbreak. Academic content will be uploaded here for exclusive use for online academic activities till the COVID-19 crisis is over. Please click the link below to enter your class folder. The AJKMC has attained the pioneer position in e-learning. We are using Zoom. Google Classroom, and Teams for distant learning activities. Being a step ahead of others, the AJKMC had started regular online classes since mid-March 2020. All faculty is activiely involved in online education, and our students are keen in e-learning from home to avoid any educational loss during the pandemic. We are proud to claim that at AJKMC, much time of the students has been saved through early stepping into e-learning activities. All this was made possible by wise administration and full support of the government. All rights reserved. Please note that the contents are copyrighted and are for academic and research purposes ONLY with reference to and acknowledgement of the original work. The contents cannot be reproduced saved or recorded in any form without permission from Department of Medical Education, AJK Medical College, Muzaffarabad-13100, Pakistan. Email:


2nd YEAR

3rd YEAR

4th YEAR

5th YEAR