Azad Jammu Kashmir Medical College Muzaffarabad (AJKMC) was established in 2011. It is recognized by Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) and affiliated with University of Health Sciences (UHS) Lahore. Students of this college are now renowned physicians at home and abroad. The faculty members are highly qualified, efficient, and dedicated. Our mission is to provide quality medical education, research and service to the people of Azad Kashmir and other parts of the globe. The College has 500 bedded hospitals, Abbas Institute of Medical Sciences, and Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zaid-Annahyan CMH (SKBZ-CMH) Muzaffarabad affiliated to it as its Teaching Hospitals. AJKMC has successfully emerged as the best medical school in AJK with excellent academic results. The admission is strictly based on merit in accordance with Pakistan Medical Commission regulations. AJK Medical College aims at producing finest medical doctors in terms of competency, honesty and human values. The college is housed in a beautiful building with a view of Hidukush Mountains through which Neelum and Jehlum Rivers flow and merge in the centre of Muzaffarabad City. AJK Medical College is designed on most modern standards with supporting amenities for faculty, students, and staff. The college has started publishing its scientific journal with name of Kashmir Journal of Medical Sciences (KJMS) both as print and online editions. The journal publishes original research work on all medical subjects. It is in the process of recognition by the PM&DC and HEC.

Prof. Dr. Adnan Mehraj
FRCS (England)
Azad Jammu & Kashmir Medical College,